Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Care Package Time

Ever have one of those days when you do not think you will survive and make it til the next day.  Today was not one of those days, but just incase someone out there was.  Think about this quote.  It is one of my favorites and definitely has gotten me through many a days.

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

Anyways, I was at the store today getting a heater (since it is already cold enough to see our breathe in my house), and since im a college student and have no money.  We found it would be more cost effective to have a few space heaters than to crank up our heater all winter long.  Especially since it is already frigid! So as I walked through the aisles, I noticed the abundance of Halloween treats everywhere. I had an idea. CARE PACKAGE TIME! Yes, it is that time again where I get to make and decorate a package.  Being that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays I went to town. Lots of orange and black of course, tons of candy, homemade cookies, spider rings and snakes, candy corn, decorations, and other goodies.  I know that he will never use the decorations, but its the thought that counts.  He loves getting packages and having that feeling of home.  So here is a little sneak peak of the top of this month's package.  I am so excited for him to get this one!

What was your favorite care package? And what do you like to put in them?

And if ya find some time, Check out my 2nd Blog!


  1. Oh man! I love care packages! I send one a week. I'm seriously going poor shipping these things out. I just blogged about my fantastically awesome care package I sent a few weeks ago. If you like it, steal the idea and claim it as yours! Here's a link: http://annoyedarmywife.blogspot.com/2010/10/i-think-i-just-broke-my-arm.html

  2. i would love to send out one a week! i did every other when he was deployed, but since he is in the states, and im off at college I just do one a month since we typically get to see each other once a month when we aren't doing work ups. cute package idea btw!
